How to do Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Yoga
Like | DoctorBabu | January 27, 2018 | Yoga healthy tips, Sun Salutation, Surya Namaskar, Yoga
Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation is one of the most well-known yoga routines. For good reason, as performing surya namaskar early in the morning can have several health benefits. The routine consists of 12 forward and backward bending movements that stretch and flex the spinal column. It’s not that difficult to learn, and great for beginners who are looking to introduce themselves to yoga
Surya Namaskar has a deep effect in detoxifying the organs through copious oxygenation and has a deeper relaxing effect.
The flowing series of 12 yoga postures are described below:
The 12 poses of the Surya Namaskar, in order are
- Pranamasan / Prayer Pose – The first pose, where one stands erect with feet fully touching each other, and palms together. The idea is to start with a prayer to the sun.
- Hastauttanasana / Raised Arms Pose – The pose where arms are raised upward, with palms still together. The idea is to stretch the body, towards the sun. Inhale Pose.
- Hasta Padasana / Hand to Foot pose – A pose where one bends forward such that our palms touch our feet, while keeping our spine erect, and without bending our knees. Exhale pose.
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana / Equesterian Pose – Pose where the right leg is pushed as far back as possible, with the left leg between the palms on the ground. Inhale Pose.
- Dandasana / Stick Pose – A pose where you balance the entire body on your arms, keeping the spine erect.
- Ashtanga Namaskara / Eight Point Salutation Pose – A pose where the chin, chest, palms, knees and feet are touching the ground, with the hips raised. Exhale Pose.
- Bhujangasana / Cobra Pose – A pose like the cobra, where the lower body and palms touch the ground, and the upper body is stretched upwards and forward. Inhale Pose.
- Adho Mukho Shavasana/ Downward Dog Pose – With the palms and feet touching the ground, the hips are raised so the body forms an inverted “V”, resembling a stretching dog. Exhale Pose.
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose) – Pose where the left leg is pushed as far back as possible, with the right leg between the palms on the ground. Inhale Pose.
- Hasta Padasana / Hand to Foot pose – A pose where one bends forward such that our palms touch our feet, while keeping our spine erect, and without bending our knees. Exhale pose.
- Hastauttanasana / Raised Arms Pose – The pose where arms are raised upward, with palms still together. The idea is to stretch the body, towards the sun. Inhale Pose.
- Tadasana / Standing Pose – A relaxing pose, where one stands erect, with arms to the side. Exhale Pose.
Benefits of the surya namaskar
- Surya namaskar is highly beneficial if you want to lose weight.
- It helps in improving posture and provides strength to the muscles.
- Surya namaskar assists in stimulating every system of the body. It strengthens the heart, keeps the nervous system in place and makes the digestive system strong.
- All the glands function properly with the surya namaskar.
- Surya namaskar regulates your body, removes your stress and helps you in getting sound sleep.
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