Unhealthy Brain Food

Everything you eat directly affects the functionality of your brain. If you eat healthy foods then your brain functions will be improved as well, but some foods can damage your brain. Like our bodies- our brains need the right nutrients to function. However, indulging in the wrong foods can lead to negative effects such as an increased risk of dementia. Fortunately, the risk can be reduced by the removal of certain foods from your diet.


1. High mercury fish

Sushi lovers beware. Due to years of pollution, fish has become heavily contaminated with the metal mercury. According to a 2012 study, once mercury becomes ingested into the bloodstream- it can result in a 5% dip in cognitive function.  Mercury can also harm your heart, kidneys and affect the immune system. If ingested by pregnant women, the metal can affect the brain development of the fetus. Nonetheless, a healthy diet is inclusive of fish thus it’s best to follow The American Heart Association recommendation of having two servings of fish a week. Fish that is low in mercury and full of omega-3s include salmon, sardines, and mackerel. Enjoy this delicious salmon recipe.


2. Foods high in trans-unsaturated fats

Often present in ready-made foods, trans fats are particularly bad for us and may increase our risk of ischaemic stroke. They are also known as ‘hydrogenated fats’ or ‘hydrogenated oil’. Aside from being a strong source of obesity, cholesterol and inflammation, trans-fats can also affect your brain health. High levels of trans-fats in the body increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, impaired memory, lower brain volume and a cognitive decline. While the FDA busies itself with removing trans fats from the food supply system – you can swap out your margarine for more healthier alternatives such as avocado or olive oil.


3. Artificial sweeteners

Removing sugar from your diet is a great idea but you need be careful what you replace it with. A common artificial sweetener used in many sugar-free products is aspartame. A study published in the journal Nature argued that when consumed in excess- the sweetener can cause behavioral and cognitive problems such as higher levels of depression. Fizzy drinks that claim to contain no sugar can also be debilitating to your brain’s health as consuming artificially sweetened drinks can increase the risk of dementia.


4. Sugary Drinks

These may give us a temporary energy boost, but the energy is released so quickly that we soon ’crash’, feeling low and lethargic. Too many sugary foods and drinks in the diet can also make us overweight, which increases our risk of health complications, and cause dental health problems.


5. Fast Foods

Fast foods are full of ingredients that – when eaten in excess – can be terrible for your health. The high levels of cholesterol in fried foods actually contain brain-slowing properties and they can not only increase the risk of Alzheimer’s but they can also cause a decline in cognitive function. One of the most damaging effects that fast food has on the brain is its’ effect on the

hypothalamus. The hypothalamus regulates various part of the body including hunger however its ability to do so is affected with a high-fat diet increasing your risk of obesity. This diet of choice can also lead to a blockage in the arteries leading to your brain which can result in a stroke.


6.Refined carbohydrates 

Refined carbohydrates foods include sugars and highly processed grains such as white rice and they are considered high on the glycemic index which means that they cause a rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. Aside from a poorer memory, foods with a high glycemic index can also affect your mental health. According to a study published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, post-menopausal women who indulge in such foods increase their risk of depression. Foods that are low on the glycemic index include vegetable and whole grains.


7. Alcohol

Drinking large amounts of alcohol may increase your risk of having a stroke. The Stroke Association have a fact sheet with more information on the link between alcohol and stroke.

Your brain is the most important organ in your body- the best thing you can do for it is follow a healthy diet rich in whole grain and fresh foods.




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