sleeping soundly

Sleep is essential for a healthy life. Every person requires the right amount of sleep so that they can rest properly and restore all the substrates of brain as well as bodily functions and get up with a healthy body and a fresh mind. On the other hand, if we do not have a sound sleep, we feel irritated, are unable to focus on your work and become stressed out. All this not only affects our health but our lifestyle as well. This is the reason that one should get good sleep no matter how busy you are or what the pressure of work is.

A crucial aspect of overall health and fitness is getting quality sleep. If you’re not getting your 8 hours a night, you’re likely to be stressed out, irritable, and in poor physical shape. On World Sleep Day, let’s take a look at 10 things you can do to change that.

1) Breathe in, breathe out

Yogic breathing exercises have been shown to have beneficial effects on your sleep as well as mood. Do at least 10 cycles of pranayama, or just take deep, slow breaths for five minutes. Practise this for a week or so, and you’ll sleep like a baby.

2) Get off your gadgets

Smartphones, laptops, tablets, television, and even Kindles interfere with your sleep. The blue light emitted by such electronic devices tricks your brain into thinking it’s daytime, even when it’s not. Half an hour before you’re set to sleep, switch off your gadgets and feel the results.

3) Music therapy

Put on some gentle music as you’re getting ready for bed. Once you’re ready to sleep, focus fully on the calming sounds. Pick from a range of music available easily and freely on the internet. For instance, birds chirping, rainfall, forest, etc. You can even find 8 hour long soundtracks that you can play throughout the night as you sleep.

4) Pay attention to your habits

Are you one of those who just can’t fall asleep without a dose of reading a thrilling novel or watching a bit of a mystery movie? That may be why you’re not able to sleep peacefully. Dark or disturbing content just before bed time can project violent images into your subconscious mind, making it difficult for your mind to rest.

5) Analyse your diet

Avoid having a heavy dinner as it’ll make you feel bloated and uneasy, making it difficult to sleep. Before calling it a day, go for some chamomile tea, or munch on a handful of almonds and walnuts. These will help you sleep better.

6) Reaffirm your motive

Once you’ve made up your mind to get a full night’s sleep, keep affirming that to yourself. Throughout the day, and especially before you sleep, set a few minutes apart. Repeat some positive statements like ‘I am ready to have a peaceful sleep tonight’, and ‘It’s okay to rest, I am safe’, and watch the magic unfold.

7) Create a ‘feel good’ atmosphere

Your bedroom could be the reason you’re finding it difficult to get your beauty sleep. Make sure your bedroom is done up in the right way. Paint your walls a pastel colour (nothing too bright), ensure the lighting is minimal and soft, and you could also make use of some essential oils to sleep better.

8) Destress and relax

If you are prone to high levels of stress, worry or anxiety, then it’s little wonder that you sleep fitfully. Try and address the root cause of your fear or worry which is keeping you awake. It takes a bit of emotional work but the end results are worth it.

9) No afternoon naps

A lot of us are in the habit of afternoon or day time naps. While a power nap is fine, anything more than that is likely to interfere in your nightly sleep cycle. Cut out your day time sleep and you’ll automatically want to sleep earlier in the night.

10) Consult a doctor

If all else fails, book an appointment with a specialist. It’s worth checking if you have clinical or chronic insomnia. In that case, an expert will guide you best on the options you can explore, including whether you need prescription medication.

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