Holi during pregnancy

Playing Holi during pregnancy can land you in a number of disastrous troubles. For your good health and your foetus’s well-being, it is advisable that you avoid playing holi this year or follow the given advices on celebrating Holi without inviting trouble:


Colours can harm your baby so opt home-made

Colours used on holi, commonly known as gulal, are synthetic and contain a number of toxic chemicals such as mercury sulphate, lead oxide, copper sulphate, malachite green, chromium iodide, aluminium bromide, cadmium, iron, mica etc., which have harmful effects on the skin. Use of these colours by pregnant women may result in premature birth, low birth weight, miscarriage or abortion. These colours can affect your nervous system, kidneys and the reproductive system.

Do not be fooled by the word ‘organic’ or ‘natural’ because the colours are made from fruits and flowers but the powder base used may still contain lead, mercury and other harmful chemicals. Also, the production of these colours is not regulated in India so the safety remains a question. It is recommended to avoid colours available in the market and use only home-made colours prepared using ingredients such as turmeric, beetroot, onions and other vegetables.


Beware of what you eat

During pregnancy, it is important to keep a check on the Holi sweets. If you are overweight or suffering from gestational diabetes, it is better to avoid the sweets. Do not take heavy or oily food which may lead to heartburn and indigestion throughout the day. Take sugar-free and healthy snacks if you have a craving for sweets.


Keep yourself hydrated and avoid holi drink

Another thing you must avoid on this holi is Bhang lassi (the holi drink).  Bhang is an intoxicant that can make you feel sleepy and drowsy. It has narcotic properties, which can result in falling on the ground. Consumption of bhang can increase heart rate, blood pressure and bring other detrimental effects. Bhang can affect foetus’s nervous system and brain.  Have water, fresh fruit juices or smoothies to maintain the body’s water level.


Say no to watercolours

Holi & water – not a good combo for pregnant women. Avoid playing with water as it increases the risk of slipping on the floor. A fall may cause serious consequences to the baby as well as the mother so choose a dry and safe holi.


Precautions during Holi

  1. Your skin and hair may get affected by holi colours. Rub some moisturizer/ oil/ petroleum jelly on the exposed skin and apply oil on your hair to avoid the colours from getting absorbed into the body.
  2. Use an umbrella while stepping out to avoid water balloons from hurting you. You must be careful while crossing crowded streets, market place and high rise buildings.
  3.  Wear full sleeve tops and full-length pants to cover and protect your skin from the harsh chemicals used in the Holi colours.
  4. Do not stay in wet clothes for a long time and try to wash off the colour before it dries.
  5. Wear flat and anti-slippery shoes or sandals while playing with colours. This will avoid slipping if there is water on the floor.

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